Dominic Sambucco ~ Madreselva

Shimmering Moods is mostly known for releasing ambient albums, so it is a pleasant surprise to find a field recording work in its latest batch, released this coming Friday.  But it’s not all field recording; in the closing piece, Dominic Sambucco infuses the project with a dose of tribal trance, tying the set together.

La Madreselva is “the protective spirit of nature,” honored by the Witotos and the Ticunas.  During his travels through the Amazon, Sambucco observed the effects of environmental degradation: for example, strip-mining that short-changes the planet of vital resources while upsetting the ecological balance.  In short, the Amazon is being destroyed for Amazon. This knowledge lends the set a deep sadness.

But what if one were to listen without this knowledge?  One might instead receive the album as a celebration.  Sambucco presents five distinct Amazonian soundscapes, sequencing them in hopeful fashion, from “Night” to “Morning,” with a storm in-between.  By varying recording spots as well (“Pond,” “Tree”), the artist acts as a sonic hunter and gatherer, collecting as many combinations of creatures as possible.  A double amphibian call recurs in “Night,” establishing a tempo.  A different set of residents chirps and croaks throughout “Storm,” making the storm a backing character in its own piece.  In “Pond,” the vocalizations are so low that one imagines elephants and rhinos, even if none are present.

All of these environments are rich in detail, unique to their region and worth preserving.  The Columbian rain forest teems with life, although much of this life may be pushed to the margins.  The closing track is optimistic; Sambucco reflects a Pelazón coming-of-age ritual, showcasing the voice of Doña Julia de Tarapoto.  As the drumming grows more intense, her voice becomes ever more ecstatic.  This is the sound of living in the moment, no matter what the future may hold.  If these soundscapes disappear; if one day the raucous Amazonian morning is replaced by minimal peeps, will it have been worth the cost?  When La Madreselva meets the God of Commerce, who will win?  We’re rooting for the spirit of nature.  (Richard Allen)

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