Posts Tagged: Executable Dreamtime

ACL 2016: Top Ten Electronic

The electronic section is where we find the beats, but they’re not always for dancing; in fact, none of these albums is a straightforward club set.  Instead, these artists use beats as a framework on which to hang their wildest

ACL 2016: Top Ten Electronic

The electronic section is where we find the beats, but they’re not always for dancing; in fact, none of these albums is a straightforward club set.  Instead, these artists use beats as a framework on which to hang their wildest

Brett Naucke ~ Executable Dreamtime

Executable Dreamtime is a duet between man and machine, in which each component acts as composer and curator.  Brett Naucke creates the patches, then stands back to watch what they will do, like a parent accompanying his children to the playground.  When

Brett Naucke ~ Executable Dreamtime

Executable Dreamtime is a duet between man and machine, in which each component acts as composer and curator.  Brett Naucke creates the patches, then stands back to watch what they will do, like a parent accompanying his children to the playground.  When