Posts Tagged: New Chronologies of Sound

ACL 2021 ~ Top Ten Field Recording & Soundscape

The natural world existed long before the creation of instruments: music made by wind and waves, birds and beasts.  During the pandemic, many people have rediscovered the aural joys of nature: music that is always playing, and that can best

ACL 2021 ~ Top Ten Field Recording & Soundscape

The natural world existed long before the creation of instruments: music made by wind and waves, birds and beasts.  During the pandemic, many people have rediscovered the aural joys of nature: music that is always playing, and that can best

ACL 2021 ~ Pandemic Playlist

A year ago, we hoped we would not have a pandemic playlist in 2021.  But COVID stuck around.  The music we listened to was informed by isolation, illness and a bout of premature hope, chased by a secondary, more muted

ACL 2021 ~ Pandemic Playlist

A year ago, we hoped we would not have a pandemic playlist in 2021.  But COVID stuck around.  The music we listened to was informed by isolation, illness and a bout of premature hope, chased by a secondary, more muted

V/A ~ New Chronologies of Sound

The pandemic has produced all manner of change within the music industry, from an increase in home recording to a dependence on digital formats.  In auditory terms, it has changed the way we hear our world by producing a heightened

V/A ~ New Chronologies of Sound

The pandemic has produced all manner of change within the music industry, from an increase in home recording to a dependence on digital formats.  In auditory terms, it has changed the way we hear our world by producing a heightened