Posts Tagged: The Memory Fog

ACL 2017 ~ The Year’s Best Packaging

The further we travel into the digital era, the fewer physical releases we see.  A year ago, the digital market was bypassed by streaming.  Most people are content to hear rather than to own.  It takes a special presentation to

ACL 2017 ~ The Year’s Best Packaging

The further we travel into the digital era, the fewer physical releases we see.  A year ago, the digital market was bypassed by streaming.  Most people are content to hear rather than to own.  It takes a special presentation to

MYMK ~ The Memory Fog

The SØVN collective has become known for careful attention to packaging, a recent highlight being the wooden box edition of Amelia Devoid’s Hypogeum.  But their latest release takes the cake.  The tape is enclosed in a concrete box that can’t be opened

MYMK ~ The Memory Fog

The SØVN collective has become known for careful attention to packaging, a recent highlight being the wooden box edition of Amelia Devoid’s Hypogeum.  But their latest release takes the cake.  The tape is enclosed in a concrete box that can’t be opened