Posts Tagged: Polar Seas

ACL 2021 ~ The Year’s Best Album Covers

Album covers were never more important than they are today.  In the old days, one might peruse the bins at the local record store, seeing if something caught the eye and hopefully the ear.  Now most people buy their music

ACL 2021 ~ The Year’s Best Album Covers

Album covers were never more important than they are today.  In the old days, one might peruse the bins at the local record store, seeing if something caught the eye and hopefully the ear.  Now most people buy their music

Simon McCorry ~ And Where Are You Really From?

Simon McCorry‘s migration diptych becomes a trilogy with And Where Are You Really From?, which pushes beyond border issues into wider concepts. Louise van den Muyzenberg’s striking cover image makes the perfect entry point.  The figures are dotted yet complementary ~

Simon McCorry ~ And Where Are You Really From?

Simon McCorry‘s migration diptych becomes a trilogy with And Where Are You Really From?, which pushes beyond border issues into wider concepts. Louise van den Muyzenberg’s striking cover image makes the perfect entry point.  The figures are dotted yet complementary ~

Drifting in Polar Seas

Toronto’s Polar Seas label returns this month with a pair of evocative albums, one ambient and one modern composition.  Mathieu Lamontagne‘s Obsolescence Programmée is a soft meditation on disposable culture, while Mikael Lind‘s Strings and Clusters detaches and reassembles violin, viola and cello phrases until they

Drifting in Polar Seas

Toronto’s Polar Seas label returns this month with a pair of evocative albums, one ambient and one modern composition.  Mathieu Lamontagne‘s Obsolescence Programmée is a soft meditation on disposable culture, while Mikael Lind‘s Strings and Clusters detaches and reassembles violin, viola and cello phrases until they

ACL 2017 ~ The Year’s Best Winter Music

Our readers love winter music.  How do we know?  Our list of The 25 Best Winter Albums of All Time is also our site’s most-read post of all time.  Our yearly updates continue to collect the best winter music, regardless of genre.

ACL 2017 ~ The Year’s Best Winter Music

Our readers love winter music.  How do we know?  Our list of The 25 Best Winter Albums of All Time is also our site’s most-read post of all time.  Our yearly updates continue to collect the best winter music, regardless of genre.

poemme ~ Soft Ice

With Soft Ice, Polar Seas has found an album to match the name of the label.  This is our second winter album of the season (hello, Australia!).  It’s also a sleep album, specifically designed to operate as an aural pillow.  Just listening

poemme ~ Soft Ice

With Soft Ice, Polar Seas has found an album to match the name of the label.  This is our second winter album of the season (hello, Australia!).  It’s also a sleep album, specifically designed to operate as an aural pillow.  Just listening

David Newlyn ~ Linen

The descriptions are sparse, the cover is fuzzy, and the music is ephemeral.  Linen can pass by without notice, but in a good way. Interesting people do not always seem so at first. Sometimes they are too shy or quiet to

David Newlyn ~ Linen

The descriptions are sparse, the cover is fuzzy, and the music is ephemeral.  Linen can pass by without notice, but in a good way. Interesting people do not always seem so at first. Sometimes they are too shy or quiet to